(A Peer Review Journal)
e–ISSN: 2408–5162; p–ISSN: 2048–5170


Pages: 399-405
B. Ikhajiagbe, G.O. Anoliefo, O.I. Idiagi, O. Omoregbee

keywords: Pesticide residue, Eleusine indica, phytoremediation, DDVP, rhizosphere interaction


The present study investigated growth performance of Eleusine indica to abiotic stress occasioned by pesticide pollution with a view to ascertaining its suitability for phytoremediation. Soil was spiked with 2,2-dichlorovinyl dimethyl phosphate (DDVP, 1000EC) in solution to obtain 6 different levels of pollution: 5.0, 3.75, 2.5, 0.5, 0.25, and 0.05 ml pesticide/kg of soil. The control was wetted with ordinary water. These treatments were replicated 3 times in completely randomized block design. The entire set up was left to naturally attenuate for 2 days before equal-lengthen 3-leaf tillers of Eleusine indica, the test plant, were transplanted from a nursery. Results showed that within 24 h, young tillers in the 5 ml/kg-soil treatment wilted entirely. Those in 2.5 – 5.0 ml/kg pesticide-impacted soil (PIS) also showed wilting signs, beginning first with folding of plant leaves. There was no evidence of wilting in plants sown in the 0.05 ml/kg PIS and the control. Total pesticide residual content after 11 weeks was 0.512 mg/kg in the 5 ml/kg-PIS (i.e. 10.24% reduction) that lacked plant presence (note, plants died during the first few days). However, Residual content ranged from 0.012 – 0.073 mg/kg in the treatments with plant presence, thus indicating the importance of plant presence. Remediation efficiency was 13.60 – 29.20% in treatments with surviving plant population. Eleusine indica grass showed great promise as a phytoremediator of pesticide. However, the fact that significant morphological changes occurred in the plant also goes to show the effects of increased concentrations of contaminants on the would-be phytoremediators.


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